RE-BLIND provide professional services to a range of commercial clients, in particular Property Managers. Below is some useful information for Property Managers and Commercial clients who may wish to use our services.


No need to phone- just EMAIL your work order to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This provides us with an authority to proceed and gives us your instructions along with all the details needed to complete your order. Don't forget tenants phone numbers or the location of keys. (NOTE: a collection and return fee applies)


  • Phone first; then support the call by emailing your work order with your written instructions.
  • Work orders should include the following details:
  • Full address with Unit/Room #
  • Best time to effect repairs
  • When and where keys are available
  • Phone/Fax/ Mobile numbers
  • Tenants details and phone numbers
  • How urgently repairs are needed


Using the terminology (see Componentry page) will help us know how much time to allow to get the job done and exactly what parts are required.


When jobs are small, nominate a price ceiling (i.e. $100 or $200) so work can be done on the spot rather then completed at a later dated. This will save time and unnecessary expense.


Allow a minimum of 1 week for NEW Vertical and Holland Blinds, 2 weeks for Venetians and 3 weeks for Awnings. Note: During summer months lead times for Awnings extends from late November to February by as much as an additional 4 weeks.


For more than 5 blinds, there is NO installation fee and a 5% discount is offered. For more than 10 blinds, a 10% discount is offered. Discounts are subject to payment by the end of the current calendar month.


Repairs will always be carried out as quickly as possible. Tenants and guests often make it very difficult to gain access. With this in mind, try to provide access times on the work order and advise the tenants to expect us.


It is recommended that Landlords and Unit Owners be asked to sign off on work orders to avoid arguments about what is required and how much it will cost.


A Blind Condition Report' will be included with repair invoices. This is to clearly advise owners of their blinds' condition so they are well-prepared for future replacement or repair costs. This also gives Property and Unit Managers a guide on how to advise their clients who are usually ill-prepared for sudden, 'out-of-pocket' expenses.


These fees are necessary to cover time lost travelling and quoting. They also cover vehicles, insurance, phone calls and office equipment.